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I'm David Haynes and I am the webmaster of this site. I am after any kind of info that could be used on this site. I would like some photos of models as well as drawings. Any rules, guides and missions would be great as well. It doesn't have to be Chaos either, it can be from any army or race. So if you have anything you would like to send, please do so.

If you see anything on this site which belongs to you, or someone else that you know, please contact me as soon as possible. I will then give full credit to the original creator or remove the item completely.

Please use either of the following methods if you wish to contact me. Also don't forget to visit my other site which can be found at

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Imperial Eagle
My ICQ Number is 24440178.

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Imperial Eagle
My nick is usually BobaFett or some kind of variation to that.
I Use EFnet or DALnet servers.
You can get on IRC using something like mIRC or Microsoft Chat.

Click here to get mIRC

Imperial Eagle
MSN Messenger:
You can find me using my Hotmail email address above.

Click here to get MSN Messenger

Imperial Eagle
Yahoo! Messenger:
You can find me by using my Yahoo! email address above.

Click here to get Yahoo! Messenger

Imperial Eagle
My nick is bobafett_h.

Click here to get Aimster

Imperial Eagle
My nick is bobafett_h.

Click here to get Napster

Click here to see my MP3 playlist

Copyright David Haynes 2000
Email the webmaster
Email the webmaster

Visit the Games Workshop, © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2001