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The Throne Room
Dripping Blood

The Emperor's Throne, © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2001

Welcome to The Throne Room. This is a site devoted to Games Workshop's Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 games. It is created especially with Chaos in mind so it has lots of stuff about the Realm of Chaos and the Chaos Space Marines. Use the links on the left hand side of each page to guide yourself around the site.

Don't forget to sign my guest book by clicking on "View/Sign Guestbook!" on the image below. If your browser does not display the image, then you can sign my guestbook by clicking on this link.

Warhammer 40,000, © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2001 Warhammer, © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2001

8th of October 2001
I have had to move my site to a new server, so I thought it would be a good time to update a few things. There haven't been many changes, just that I have added the Imperial Date Java Applet to the left hand side of this page as well as changed a few things in the Contact page and I have done all of the webrings again. Hopefully, the next update will be much bigger and better.
20th of May 2001
There haven't been any updates in a long time, so I tried to make this one quite significant. There are now advertisements on all of the pages. This is to give me the possiblity of making some money as I have none. A legal disclaimer page has been added and also some more images to the gallery. Please email me if you think the advertisements are a bad move.
17th of January 2001
I have added some more stuff to the gallery. I have also added my Warhammer army list. Haven't done much else except for a few changes to the appearance of the pages.
29th of December 2000
I think I have finally fixed up the gallery. The pictures should be working now. In the next update I will add a lot more pics to the gallery that I have been uploading and sorting. Check back to see the new pics soon.
1st of November 2000
This site is finally finished! Well, sort of. There is still much more to add, but there is enough on here for it to be opened. The counter has been added to the first page and all images have been placed where they should be (I think). There may still be some problems with the site, but they will be fixed eventually.

© Copyright David Haynes 2000
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